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Lost and Found

Mira and Raj loved and hated each other. So much that neither they could live together nor without the other. Raj was the closest to Mira’s heart, close enough not only to protect it but also to stab it. Mira was Raj’s only weakness. Sometimes he loved her and sometimes he hated her for the same. Through the years, they grew with each other. Love went stale but they still were each others need and weakness.

Myths of ideal love still fresh in mind,
Never learning how to survive alone.
Never learning who they truly were.
Never learning what they truly wanted.
Together they completed each other, once separated left them half of what they were.
So many problems, not a single solution. One day Raj lost it and walked out. Mira left shattered swore not to wait, she decided to complete herself again on her own.
Years passed. Wounds healed. Scars left could not be seen.
They learnt on their own the secrets of life.
They learnt where their true passions lie.
They built themselves from the scratch.
Now not halves but complete on their own,
Fate came to play it’s game.
Ex-lovers crossed paths again.
Eyes met, smiles exchanged. A coincident meeting turned into an overnight stay.
They talked all night, apologized​ for their ways, now promised to never hurt each again. Even though they were whole, Mira and Raj realized something was still left missing in their own lives. It was their hearts that they exchanged all those years ago.PicsArt_05-17-10.03.49.jpg